8 Days of Love & Torture Gift Recommendations: Haters Gonna Hate Part I
So, I feel the need to explain my feelings for Valentine’s Day. I don’t hate it because it celebrates love. I hate it because it encourages celebrating love once a year. In my opinion, if you love someone, you should celebrate that every day. Valentine’s Day was created purely for commercialism. So, that’s why I hate it. That being said, I’m sure there are other haters out there for various reasons. Just because you think it’s horrificย doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t treat yourself to a gift. That’s why today, we’re recommending gifts for haters of the most commercial holiday there is (and yes, it’s worse than Christmas).
Voodoo in New Orleans by Robert Tallant, $7
Voodoo Doll, $12
Haunted New Orleans by Troy Taylor, $15
Reality is Broken by Jane McGonigal, $17
Rude Bitches Make Me Tired by Celia Rivenbark, $15
Disappearing Shark Mug, $12.95
Grump Notebooks, set of 3, $7