Tubby & Coo’s 5th Anniversary Party

631 N Carrollton Ave
New Orleans, LA 70119
We’ve been here 5 years, and we’re excited and honored to be a part of the NOLA Mid-City community. Come celebrate with us on Sunday, September 1.
Geek Trivia at 2PM
Join us as we quiz geeks on everything from science to Star Wars! Winning team of 4 wins free passes to Big Easy Con in November.
Big Book Sale!
Get brand new books at used book prices, both hardcovers and paperbacks. We will have loads of books on sale with many genres represented, including general fiction, nonfiction, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, and more. Everything in the sale will be $5 or less.
Play Games for Free!
FREE board gaming all day in our game room. Come take advantage of the 300ish games in our library!
Giveaways, Giveaways, Giveaways!
Spend at least $25, and get cool stuff! We’re giving away tote bags, free books, buttons, board game promos, and more!
Come wearing cosplay and get 10% off!
Hope to see you there!