Educators Night

On Thursday, Dec. 13 from 6-8pm, we will hold our first ever Educators Night to celebrate our local educators!
If you are an educator in the New Orleans metro area, this event is expressly for you. We consider educators to be anyone and everyone who works with Pre-K-12 students at an affiliated school, nonprofit, tutoring service, after school program, volunteer team, or literacy based organization where the goal of the staff is to expand the intellectual breadth of young people. So whether you’re a 4th grade math teacher, a community organizer who gets kids involved in volunteering, a part-time tutor, writing instructor, or the head of an entire school district, we want you to join us!
We will hand out information on all of our school programs, educator discounts, bulk discounts, and fundraisers for schools. We will also give out book recommendation lists and discuss upcoming books we think would be great for the classroom and for school libraries. Plus, 826 New Orleans will give a presentation to introduce you to their organization.
We will have light refreshments, ARCs, prizes, and networking. Plus, for tonight only, educators will receive an extra 5% discount (for a total of 15% off) on everything in the store (except used books).
Come make new friends and have some fun. Feel free to forward this invitation to any and all educators in your life who might be interested in this opportunity for professional development (and free books and refreshments).
This event is free, however, we do require registration, as this event is for current New Orleans Metro area Pre-K through 12 educators only. Educator ID is required for special discount.