Kids Love Science Part 2!

631 N Carrollton Ave
New Orleans, LA 70119
Author of the Baby Loves Science series, Ruth Spiro, will be in-house to sign books and lead science-themed activities as part of our two-day science extravaganza. Ruth’s books include Baby Loves Aerospace Engineering, Baby Loves Gravity, Baby Loves Quarks, Baby Loves Quantam Physics, Baby Loves Thermodynamics, and the brand new Baby Loves Coding.
The goal of the Baby Loves Science series is to introduce STEM topics in a developmentally appropriate way. Practicing these skills and concepts early creates a solid foundation for learning and growth. Early exposure to STEM fields can help narrow the achievement gap for children by building skills before they have preconceptions about how can be good in these fields.
The Baby Loves Science books may appear simple, but they’re the result of collaboration between an entire time that works very hard to ensure they are accurate, age-appropriate, and irresistible to children.
Learn more about Ruth and the Baby Loves Science series at