Join us on Thursday, July 22 at 6:30pm CT as Foglifter, the San Francisco Bay Area’s premier non-profit LGBTQ+ literary arts press, road trips across the country with contributing writers of the Home is Where You Queer Your Heart anthology in their own hometowns for a reading. These contributors have invited a roster of local queer and trans talent to celebrate the anthology’s themes of chosen family and community. Tubby & Coo’s will sell the anthology and participating author books at the event, as well. Featured readers include Chanel Clarke, Elizabeth Gross, Miah Jeffra, Chris Jennings, Jessica Kinnison, Megan McHugh, Karisma Price and other special guests.This event is free and open to the public and will be held at Parleaux Beer Lab located at 634 Lesseps Street.
Home is Where You Queer Your Heart anthologizes contemporary queer writers and artists creatively thinking through the complex and fluid realities of home in the U.S. and abroad. Curated during the 2020 U.S. presidential election and the COVID-19 pandemic, as the culture shifts into a new normal—and many queer people feel their nation has further precluded them from a place of comfort—poets, essayists, storytellers, and artists remind us that it is at our kitchen tables, in our bedrooms, on our porches that make us who we are.
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Home is Where You Queer Your Heart edited by Miah Jeffra, Arisa White, & Monique Mero-Williams