Stranger Things Halloween Weekend

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10/27/2018 @ 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
America/Chicago Timezone
Tubby & Coo’s gets strange for our first themed Halloween weekend! Join us October 27 and 28th for Stranger Things themed games and activities! All day both days, we’ll be giving out candy (while supplies last), and you can roll a d20 and fight the demagorgon for prizes.
Dart will also be hiding somewhere in the store, and if you find him, you’ll be entered to win a golden ticket from Penguin Random House that will score you a collection of Stranger Things books.
We’ll also be running a one shot “Kids on Bikes” RPG game in the theme of Stranger Things in two parts. Saturday’s session will be character and world building, and Sunday’s session will be the adventure. Both sessions will be from 2-4PM, for a total of 4 hours.
This is available for all ages, but we only have 10 spots available, so sign up while you can! There is a small entry fee of $10 per player for the RPG to cover costs of printed materials and refreshments. The entry fee covers both sessions, and it’s less than what you’d pay for a movie!