Unpub Mini Play-Testing

631 N Carrollton Ave
New Orleans, LA 70119
Are you a board game enthusiast interested in play-testing games under construction? Awesome! Just show up to any of our Unpub events ready to provide feedback.
Are you an indie game designer with a game you’d like to play-test at one of our events? We’d love to have you! Visit www.tubbyandcoos.com/unpub and sign up to get your game on the docket!
Tubby & Coo’s has always supported independent authors, and now we’re branching out to support indie game designers! We will now support the local/regional game design and development community by organizing events through the Unpublished Game Network (Unpub) designed to help unpublished games and their designers receive public play-tests and feedback. Independent game designers will submit their games in development to us to be featured at an event. Players who attend will be asked evaluate the games based on their tastes and provide constructive criticism in the form of verbal and written feedback.
All of our Unpub Mini events will be FREE and open to anyone who wishes to play games that are still in development. There is no fee to join, no fee to maintain, no fee to participate – for game designers nor for players. All we ask of participants is that they provide constructive feedback to game designers, and all we ask of game designers is to bring your games and be ready to accept that feedback.
Our hope is the same as Unpub’s: To create a stronger community of colleagues and friends in game design while promoting the creative projects of local/regional game designers and encouraging the improvement of their games through play-testing.
Founded in 2010 by John Moller, The Unpublished Games Network, called Unpub, is the hub for all information regarding the Unpub Network and our events. The network is a growing community of game designers, publishers, players, retailers and artists working towards the creation of new and unique table top games that will keep people entertained for generations to come! The nucleus of this community is the Maryland/Pennsylvania/