Tubby & Coo’s Publishing Progress

Tubby & Coo’s Publishing Progress

Now that our publishing venture is fully funded, we will be posting bi-monthly updates showing the progress we’re making on all our books. We thought it might interest our customers to learn more about the publishing process and everything that goes into it behind the scenes.

Currently, we are in the Editing and Artwork phases, which we plan to have completed by the end of April. After that, we move into Graphic Design and Logistics (like obtaining ISBN numbers and registering with the Library of Congress), then we can print the books.Β 

If you pre-ordered one of our books as a backer, thank you! Once we get closer to the Logistics phase, we will send out an e-mail to all backers requesting additional information on package and lagniappe items, confirming orders, and confirming shipping addresses. If you’re a backer, please be on the lookout for this e-mail some time in the next month, as we will need this information before we head into the Printing phase.

Below, you’ll see a graphic describing ourΒ progress with each book. A green circle means that phase is complete for that book, a yellow circle means that phase is in progress, and a red circle means we have not yet started that phase. We hope this graphic is a good, quick visual representation that is helpful for you!

One last thing: books are still available for pre-order, so please help us spread the word! And of course, if you haven’t ordered our books yet, please do! πŸ™‚ Certain packages and exclusives are no longer available, but folks can still order the books. The more orders we get, the better able we are to continue to publish great books.

Thank you SO MUCH for helping us and our authors fulfill our publishing dreams.Β