8 Days of Love & Torture Gift Recommendations for Lovers & Haters of D-Day (Oops we meant V-Day)

Do you just love Valentine’s Day, celebrating everyone you love? Or is it complete torture to you? Whether you’re single, attached, dating, semi-dating, sleeping around, or married, you may love or hate Valentine’s Day. Being attached or single may have some influence on your feelings behind the holiday, but just being attached or single doesn’t mean you automatically love it or hate it. My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years, and I absolutely hate it. I also know some single people who absolutely love it. Love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day isn’t going anywhere, so we’re here to help you have fun with it.

Introducing: our 8 Days of Love & Torture gift recommendation series! All gifts in the series will be $30 or less in order to minimize the hole in your pocket (and potentially, your heart). To kick us off, we’re recommending books for people who love New Orleans. That’s one kind of love we all share 🙂


LOVE: New Orleans by Morgan Molthrop, $14

LOVE New Orleans











Unfathomable City edited by Rebecca Snedeker, $30

Unfathomable City












Frenchmen, Desire, Good Children by John Chase, $18

Frechmen Desire Good Children











Mid-City Errands by Ronald Fisher, $15

Mid-City Errands